If you have an optics detection pattern recognition software running that could identify poison ivy, and they have these now… Then the drone running the OLPS could then mark the position of poison ivy in your yard or golf course. If you’d get more sophisticated, you could attach a deweeding mechanism to remove it.
I know I blur the lines of actual real world research and scifi in this blog. This tech is for real useable in 2023. I’m pitching it to universities to race for a drone that can make OLPS. Now that I can registered mail patent things, I can share my ideas with the world. The patent system is not designed to protect little guys, but to keep the big guys from allowing competition. Ironic how it works. Be prepared for lots of multimillion/billion ideas coming from me.
As far as fictional Starfighter General the game, the update is I’m transfering over about 700,000 piece of AI art and categorizing them crowd sourced to friends… They will be items, aliens, places, planets, stars, anomalies, etc etc. Fun times. The next patch will be the big one, gripping missions that will want you coming back for more, like a good tv series.