Due to the nature of design that every company uses to combat hackers, they need to be given something to lose. League of Legends makes you go through an annoying process of leveling and getting characters to play ranked. Many games have an up front 60$ expense. AntiCheat companies have determined this small fee deters hackers from trying too many things that will get them flagged by security. It’s a solid first level of defense so I kinda need some sort of tutorial mission. The first time through will be better than great scifi, but you know, you don’t want to watch the same movie over and over to get to content.
This embarking mission(*tutorial/starter mission) will be in Sol,aka our Solar System. I already have an asset that does this, but doesn’t work with HDRP. I need to add asteroids/space stations. I should add targetting and radar. I need to add trading and items. I need to add in MMO ship upgrades and fleet acquirement. I can also add story missions.
This should take at least two weeks, but will form the very core of the entire game, not much else will have to be made other than content. I’m gonna plug at this casually because if you get intimidated to not start, you’ll never finish, but it should be one step at a time. I see the whole picture, want to make a giant step, cannot. I must take small steps.